Deissy Rosenbaum


Deissy Rosenbaum

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

Texas License # 203645

Nevada License # 2385

Deissy Rosenbaum is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in the states of Texas and Nevada. She earned her bachelor's degree in Psychology in Colombia, South America, where she was born and raised. She completed her master’s degree in Counseling Psychology with a specialization in Marriage and Family Therapy through National University of California. Deissy has experience working in mental health for more than 10 years and has lived in three continents North, South America and Asia. She enjoys working with immigrants, expats, and multiracial/multicultural clients. She is fluent in English and Spanish.

She specializes in trauma-recovery through Parts and Memory Therapy and Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR). She treats Postpartum Depression and provides couples therapy through Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) and Gottman method. She has experience with multicultural issues and cultural adjustments with immigrants and expats.

“I believe in a holistic approach to therapy being person-centered, culturally sensitive, trauma-informed and of a systemic perspective. Therefore, my approach goes beyond the focus on mental health and also considers the systems that surround a person like relationships, environment, spirituality, culture, and language to name a few.” - Deissy


Deissy Rosenbaum es Licenciada en Terapia de Pareja y Familia en los Estados de Texas y Nevada. Estudió Psicología en Colombia, América del Sur donde nació y creció. Curso la Maestría de Consejería Psicológica con énfasis en terapia de pareja y familia en la Universidad Nacional de California. Tiene experiencia trabajando con salud mental por más de diez años. Ha vivido en tres continentes, Norteamérica, Sudamérica y Asia. Por esto disfruta trabajando con inmigrantes, expatriados y clientes multiculturales y multirraciales. Puede prestar estos servicios en inglés y español.

Se especializa en recuperación de traumas, depresión postparto, conflictos de pareja y dificultades de adaptación cultural de inmigrantes y extranjeros. Cree en un abordaje variado de la terapia que va más allá de la salud mental, enfocándose en la persona, su cultura, su historia personal, los sistemas que le rodean, sus valores, espiritualidad, relaciones entre otras. 

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