

My name is Deissy Rosenbaum. I am a licensed Marriage and Family Supervisor in the State of Texas, as well as an AAMFT Supervisor candidate. For the past 12 years, I have worked in mental health and specialized specifically in trauma recovery through Parts and Memory Therapy. My specializations also include Postpartum depression, adults with ADD and ADHD, PMDD, DID, somatic illness, and cultural adjustment. Added to that, I have extensive experience working with immigrants, expats, released hostages, and mulitracial and multicultural clients. I am fluent in both English and Spanish and have owned this Private Practice for 3 years.

Supervision Philosophy:

My priority is that my supervisee feels supported in every step of their development. I want to work together through the challenges, doubts, mistakes, and successes of becoming an MFT through feedback to grow and improve. Supervision must be a safe place for learning and career growth. I teach and supervise from a trauma treatment lens and multicultural competency, applying a holistic, person-centered, and systematic perspective.

These are the roles I have as your supervisor:

  • Coach: help to learn specific competencies and skills
  • Teacher: assist in learning various approaches, holding interventions, specific therapy concepts, and case management.
  • Administrator: support and guide with the business management in areas such as licensure requirements, case notes, reporting, hour tracking, billing, insurance companies, and other related topics necessary to running a private practice.
  • Mentor: being a role model, career guidance, and professional development.

Supervision Fees

  • 1 hour individual supervision: $100 (maximum 2 supervisees)
  • 1 hour group supervision: $60 (2+ supervisees)
  • Monthly package :2 hours individual =+ 2 hours group + phone consultations = $300

Additionally: Supervisees have the opportunity to see Aetna and Cigna clients under supervisory billing through my practice. Supervisees earn a percentage of the insurance payments.

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